Youtube पर जुड़ने के लिए यहां पर क्लिक करे Railway OHE 
Section insulator erection में क्या क्या समान लगता है उसका नाम और RI code की जानकारी नीचे दी गई है । 
Railway OHE
Parts Name –
1. Catenary Wire Ending Clamp (1120)
2. 9-tone Insulator (6020)
       9tonne insulator की डिटेल्स 
       Length = 542mm
       Tensile Strength = 6930kgf
3. PG Clamp 6170 – 12nos 
4. Core Insulator
       Length = 550mm
5. Facing Grip (Section assembly part)
6. Tailing Grip (Section assembly part)
7. Runner (Length -2.12 m) (Section assembly part)
8. Cross beam (Section assembly part)
9. Adjustable Dropper (Dia.=5mm)
10. Saddle pin
11. Catenary dropper clip (1192)
12. Stiffener Rod (A small Length of contact wire)
      Length = 1.35m
      Required = 2nos (Front and Rear)
      U-Clamp = 02nos (facing side)
13. Section insulator double strap with rivet (6181)
Railway OHE

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